Part 1 - Drawing and Moving the Player

For getting set up for this tutorial, see Part 0.

This part will take you from printing “Hello, World!” to opening a window, drawing a ‘@’ symbol (representing the player character) and moving the player around with the arrow keys.

By the end of this part, the game will look like this:


This part is loosely based on this part of the python tcod tutorial.

Reference implementation branch for starting point: part-0-end

In this post:

Open a Window

Start by adding dependencies on chargrid and chargrid_graphical:

# Cargo.toml
chargrid_graphical = "0.7"  # graphical frontend for chargrid applications
chargrid = "0.4"            # library for implementing chargrid applications

Now update your main function:

// src/

fn main() {
    use chargrid_graphical::{Config, Context, Dimensions, FontBytes};
    const CELL_SIZE_PX: f64 = 24.;
    let context = Context::new(Config {
        font_bytes: FontBytes {
            normal: include_bytes!("./fonts/PxPlus_IBM_CGAthin.ttf").to_vec(),
            bold: include_bytes!("./fonts/PxPlus_IBM_CGA.ttf").to_vec(),
        title: "Chargrid Tutorial".to_string(),
        window_dimensions_px: Dimensions {
            width: 960.,
            height: 720.,
        cell_dimensions_px: Dimensions {
            width: CELL_SIZE_PX,
            height: CELL_SIZE_PX,
        font_scale: Dimensions {
            width: CELL_SIZE_PX,
            height: CELL_SIZE_PX,
        underline_width_cell_ratio: 0.1,
        underline_top_offset_cell_ratio: 0.8,
        resizable: false,
    let app = App::new();

This creates a new graphical context for running chargrid applications. Chargrid is designed with the aim of being able to define an application which can run in a window (as we are doing now), a unix terminal, or a web browser. For each of these “frontends”, there is a Context type which knows all the frontend-specific details, and knows how to take an implementation of the chargrid::app::App trait (see below) and run it by feeding it input from the keyboard and mouse, and allowing it to render its output to the screen.

The graphical context is configured using a ContextDescriptor which specifies the following details about how to render a grid of characters in a window:

Once the context has been created with Context::new, the remaining two lines in main at this stage are:

let app = App::new();

This creates an App (defined below) which will contain all the state and logic of the application - a roguelike game in this case. As hinted above, our App type will implement the trait chargrid::app::App which will tell chargrid how to run the application. Finally, context.run_app(app) takes the application and, well, runs it, in a graphical context, sending it keyboard and mouse events received by the window, and drawing the grid of characters to the window.

The App type:

struct App {}

impl App {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {}

Currently the application has no state or logic, so this is just an empty struct for now.

Implement the chargrid::app::App trait:

impl chargrid::app::App for App {

    fn on_input(
        &mut self,
        input: chargrid::app::Input,
    ) -> Option<chargrid::app::ControlFlow> {
        use chargrid::input::{keys, Input};
        match input {
            Input::Keyboard(keys::ETX) | Input::Keyboard(keys::ESCAPE) => {
            _ => None,

    fn on_frame<F, C>(
        &mut self,
        _since_last_frame: chargrid::app::Duration,
        _view_context: chargrid::app::ViewContext<C>,
        _frame: &mut F,
    ) -> Option<chargrid::app::ControlFlow>
        F: chargrid::app::Frame,
        C: chargrid::app::ColModify,

Every chargrid application must implement 2 methods:

Both methods return an Option<chargrid::app::ControlFlow>. A chargrid::app::ControlFlow is an enum of control flow actions the application can take. At the time of writing, it can only be used to specify that the application should be terminated.

The application doesn’t render anything yet, so on_frame does nothing.

Since it’s annoying to have a program which opens a window that can’t be closed, on_input terminates the application by returning Some(chargrid::app::ControlFlow::Exit) when certain keys are pressed. keys::ESCAPE corresponds to the escape key. keys::ETX actually corresponds to the user closing the window (e.g. by pressing the ‘X’ button in its corner). The name “ETX”, and the fact that this event pretends to be a keyboard event, is a remnant from the days when chargrid applications could only run in unix terminals. When the user presses CTRL-C in a terminal, this manifests as a character on standard input named “ETX” or “end of text”.

This is now a complete chargrid application! Run it with cargo run and it will open an empty window:


Reference implementation branch: part-1.0

Draw the Player

Let’s place the player character in the centre of the game area, then render the player.

Start by adding some more dependencies to help represent locations and colours.

# Cargo.tom
coord_2d = "0.3"        # representation of 2D integer coordinates and sizes
rgb24 = "0.3"           # representation of 24-bit colour
// src/

use coord_2d::{Coord, Size};
use rgb24::Rgb24;

fn main() {

Now we need to add the player’s coordinate to the App type. We could introduce a new field directly to App containing the coordinate, but we’ll do something a little different. Chargrid applications typically define two top-level types - one for storing the application’s data, and another representing a view of the application’s data. The data itself doesn’t know anything about how it will be rendered to the screen. The view knows how to render the application’s data, and tends to have very little (if any) state of its own. In practice, applications tend to be made up of several discrete visual elements, each representing some abstract data. It’s typical for the data and view types in a chargrid app to be composed of simpler data and view types representing discrete application components.

The player’s location is part of the application’s data:

struct AppData {
    player_coord: Coord,

impl AppData {
    fn new(screen_size: Size) -> Self {
        Self {
            player_coord: screen_size.to_coord().unwrap() / 2,

Note that AppData::new takes the screen size, so it can initialize the player’s location to the middle of the game area.

As is common, the app’s view has no state, and is just an empty struct:

struct AppView {}

impl AppView {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {}

The App type now just combines the data and view:

struct App {
    data: AppData,
    view: AppView,

impl App {
    fn new(screen_size: Size) -> Self {
        Self {
            data: AppData::new(screen_size),
            view: AppView::new(),

We added an argument to App::new, so update the call site in main to pass the screen size:

fn main() {
    let screen_size = Size::new(40, 30);
    let app = App::new(screen_size);

As mentioned above, the app’s view needs to know how to render the app’s data. In concrete terms, the type AppView must implement the trait chargrid::render::View<&AppData>.

impl<'a> chargrid::render::View<&'a AppData> for AppView {
    fn view<F: chargrid::app::Frame, C: chargrid::app::ColModify>(
        &mut self,
        data: &'a AppData,
        context: chargrid::app::ViewContext<C>,
        frame: &mut F,
    ) {
        let view_cell = chargrid::render::ViewCell::new()
        frame.set_cell_relative(data.player_coord, 0, view_cell, context);

Lots of new things here:

![slime99-bright.png](slime99-bright.png) ![slime99-bright.png](slime99-bright.png)
- `chargrid::app::ViewContext` allows a view to tell child views to render at an offset, or with constraints on their size. It's also the mechanism by which colour modifiers are passed to child views (note the `C: chargrid::app::ColModify` type argument). - `chargrid::render::ViewCell` is a character with a foreground and background colour, which is possibly bold or underlined. Here it describes a white '@' sign, which will represent the player in our game.

Now that the view is defined, invoke it in the on_frame method to render the game:

impl chargrid::app::App for App {
    fn on_frame<F, C>(
        &mut self,
        _since_last_frame: chargrid::app::Duration,
        view_context: chargrid::app::ViewContext<C>,
        frame: &mut F,
    ) -> Option<chargrid::app::ControlFlow>
        F: chargrid::app::Frame,
        C: chargrid::app::ColModify,
        use chargrid::render::View;
        self.view.view(&, view_context, frame);

An ‘@’ sign will now be rendered in the centre of the screen:


Reference implementation branch: part-1.1

Move the Player

To add the most basic of gameplay, begin by adding one more dependency to let us talk about directions:

# Cargo.tom
direction = "0.18"           # representation of directions

This game will only allow movement in cardinal directions (north, south, east, west). Import the corresponding type:

// src/
use direction::CardinalDirection;

fn main() {

Add the screen size to the AppData type so we can prevent the player from walking off the screen:

struct AppData {
    screen_size: Size,
    player_coord: Coord,

impl AppData {
    fn new(screen_size: Size) -> Self {
        Self {
            player_coord: screen_size.to_coord().unwrap() / 2,

Add a helper method to AppData for moving the player in a direction:

impl AppData {
    fn maybe_move_player(&mut self, direction: CardinalDirection) {
        let new_player_coord = self.player_coord + direction.coord();
        if new_player_coord.is_valid(self.screen_size) {
            self.player_coord = new_player_coord;

…and a method for handling input events which calls maybe_move_player with the directions corresponding to each arrow key:

impl AppData {
    fn handle_input(&mut self, input: chargrid::input::Input) {
        use chargrid::input::{Input, KeyboardInput};
        match input {
            Input::Keyboard(key) => match key {
                KeyboardInput::Left => self.maybe_move_player(CardinalDirection::West),
                KeyboardInput::Right => self.maybe_move_player(CardinalDirection::East),
                KeyboardInput::Up => self.maybe_move_player(CardinalDirection::North),
                KeyboardInput::Down => self.maybe_move_player(CardinalDirection::South),
                _ => (),
            _ => (),

Finally, call handle_input from the on_input method of App’s implementation of chargrid::app::App:

impl chargrid::app::App for App {
    fn on_input(
        &mut self,
        input: chargrid::app::Input,
    ) -> Option<chargrid::app::ControlFlow> {
        use chargrid::input::{keys, Input};
        match input {
            Input::Keyboard(keys::ETX) | Input::Keyboard(keys::ESCAPE) => {
            other => {

That’s it! Run the game, press the arrow keys, and the player will move around.

Reference implementation branch: part-1.2

Click here for the next part!