2020-09-23: Is it a good idea, or are you just proud to understand it?

I think among engineers there is a tendency to overvalue those ideas whose complexity can serve as a kind of proof of intellect. It’s tempting to forgo a simple, easy-to-understand solution, in place of a terse solution requiring more understanding, or even a more flowery, perhaps more general solution. It may feel good at first to show off your knowledge of programming to your fellow engineers who review your code. Maybe teach them a thing or two. But I claim it’s rarely merited. Just give a tech talk instead!

I first noticed myself doing this when I came to realize that in scala, “for loops” behave as syntactic sugar for .map, .flatMap, and .foreach. For a brief period after this, I over-used them. It felt “cute” to write a loop over an iterator which just built up a new iterator (effectively mapping a function over the iterator).

val newIter = for { i <- someIterator } yield {
    // do something with i

This made me feel clever because understanding that code depended on understanding that this loop is effectively:

val newIter = someIterator.map(i => /* do something with i */)

…and that the operation on i will be deferred until newIter is actually iterated (if ever). This was especially confusing because in pretty much every other language, for loops run immediately in all cases rather than having behaviour that varies based on the type of the value on the right-hand-side of the <- symbol (the more I use scala, the more I detest it).

It felt good to write the for version of the code above because I got to exercise some newfound knowledge. But the requirement of knowledge that made this code so satisfying to write makes it difficult to read.

So now I’m conscious of this pathology and aspire to write code that’s only as complicated as it needs to be to solve the problem on hand, rather than demanding needless cognitive load for cognitive load’s own sake.